So I learned about a new creature today. Well, the creature itself is far from new, of course, just that I am new to it. Or if I had heard of it or seen it previously I have forgotten. Thing is, it's not a creature easily forgotten. Ergo, it is new to me.
The Narwhal.
According to Wiki, "the Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) is a medium sized toothed whale that lives year round in the Arctic...distinguished by a characteristic long, straight, helical tusk extending from their upper left jaw". It has a tusk that looks remarkably like a unicorn horn. Why didn't I know about this amazing creature? Well thanks to Dante's Heart I do now. And I feel all the wiser for it. You should go watch Sir David tell you a little about the Narwhal (their name even makes it sound as though they come from another realm, you know, where "Narwhals roam free") - their swimming so close together looks like it would be an occupational hazard. Some clever little crafter has even made a plushy! The whole thing puts me in mind of one of my favourite regular columns in Fortean Times on cryptozoology. This is definitely something we should discuss further, don't you think Dear Reader?
Go! Become wizened.