Oh how I would love to spy something like this on the drive to work. I mean, sure, there would be that first moment of gut-dropping-sphincter-tightening panic that comes with the thought that they are actually, you know, out there and real (a-la 28 days later and 28 weeks later, brilliant movies), but then there would be that hint of mirth, the bubble up of hysterics when instead you imagine the panic of everyone else, (obviously as unsophisticated and worldly as myself) before you that has seen it, flush with images less from George Romero, and more of Shaun of the Dead. Way to try and insight War of the Worlds type panic Computer Geeks! Made me smile, anyhoo.
Which actually gets me to thinking. Are we too damn savvy for monsters now? What if, I'm just saying of course, zombies (or for that matter vampires, things from the black lagoon etc) did suddenly appear, would our cynicism, our incredulity (or supposition that they were part of a hidden camera type set up) be the weapon with which they would be defeated? If a vampire bears it's fangs (in the forrest? follow the analogy) and nobody believes it does it even exist? Hmm. Some pondering is required.