Bit cool outside, but lovely if you get out
of the breeze and into the sun. Being that it is actually cooler inside at this
time of the morning, Akasha and I headed out for a bit of sun. She DOES NOT
like the camera, and I get waves of peevish vibes from her whenever she sees I
have it out. Nevertheless, her beauty with you I share.
The mulberries are coming along nicely (I
can’t wait for their purpley goodness).
Yep, that’s one of my pears. She’ll be off
the tree later today, and into my belly, yum.
Akasha isn’t saying much of anything, what with the being asleep, upside-sown with her head half buried under the doona. She stayed like this a couple hours you know! Apparently that’s how all the cool kids sleep these days…
So I was going to sit down and write something incredibly witty, and life altering for all who read my blog (but of course, you say), but Akasha won't let me type – she's pushing her butt in my face, hitting the keys with her paws mock like, knocking the pens off the desk, playing with the carry handle of the camera, purring in my face, standing infront of the moniter .Was going to writesomething profound and life shattering – now her tail is acress my wrist and hand so I’m distracted and can’t see what I’m doing. She obviously wants me to do something, I just don't know what. The temperature has dropped a couple degrees, and perhaps she thinks we really ought to be on the lounge curled up with a cup of tea and a good book. She's clever like that you know. Here are some extreme close ups of her trying to stop me typing...
So the sun is shining, the birds are singing and Akasha is playing tiger. Only, for Akasha this isn't playing. It is VERY REAL, and something she takes VERY SERIOUSLY.
And of course, being a tiger is EXHAUSTING. All tigers have their own monickered pillows, right?
Yep, I know I've grown up to be the village crazy-cat-lady, and I'm ok with that!