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« Casa de Quito y LaPaz... | Main | Whale Watching... »

August 11, 2008


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Ari (Baking and Books)

That is so cool! I've always told my husband that I want to own chickens one day... but he's not entirely sold on the idea yet. :)


Hi Ari! Nice to see you over here (I love, love, love your blog, by the way - I've got to learn to comment more often). The girls (as I like to refer to them) are awesome - got another egg today (aren't they clever?). I can't recommend a couple chooks enough, I didn't know it would be such a joy to listen to them excited-cluck when I come out to feed them, or watch them scratching around like crazy's (and of course, eggs, like a little present aren't they). I whole heartledly think everyone with a backyard (and it doesn't have to be a big one) should have a couple chooks. I'm like a crazy chook-convert chick!

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